The Heart of Italy

Looking back many years, CrossCountry Bob remembers a bit from history class in high school.  The medieval period for the peasant class was grinding poverty and work in the fields sprinkled with a constant dose of danger as the medieval lords vied for power and territory.  So, when the Renaissance dawned in Italy, it was a magnet for those seeking something more from life.  The wealth generated by dynasties such as the House of Medici allowed the arts and sciences to flourish and Florence was and is an expression of that flourishing.

CrossCountry Bob wandered about Florence, soaking in the ambience of the buildings and streets and imagining Leonardo da Vinci thriving there.

There were many talented sculptors in Florence and Michelangelo was one of the best. His “David” is housed in the Academia Gallery.

What resonates with CrossCountry Bob is the reflective repose in David’s face, as he sizes up the Philistine, Goliath, and is perhaps thinking… “One good shot…I can take this guy”.  The strong, powerful hands reflect the lethal force of the stone that his sling will launch.  Don’t focus on him being naked – that reflects his natural God given strength and beauty.

And so Florence helped raise man from the medieval wastelands and deserves its place as part of the heart of Italy. There are talented artists today in Florence, patiently making a living as Leonardo once did. Peggie spotted one and loved his art. Instant art buddies…

Artist buddies 🙂

And don’t forget, touring Florence uses energy which must be replaced…

Beer and gelato…

Another part of the heart of Italy is, of course, Rome.  It is the one empire everyone has heard of.  Wandering its remains certainly made CrossCountry Bob reflect on both the power and majesty man can bring to his world as well as the fleeting nature of it all.  After all, there was always the slave to whisper in the consul’s ear that all glory is fleeting.

The modern side of Florence and Rome is the throngs of people everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.  But even with the crowds, a quieter side of Florence can be found and Paintin’ Peggie did a good job of that…

With Rome, there is no similar essence to capture for CrossCountry Bob.  Rome is a large, boisterous city filled with a mixture of ancient and modern and every type of Italian you have ever imagined!.

Throughout it all looms the Church.  It is everywhere in Italy.  CrossCountry Bob thinks Francis of Assisi might have had similar thoughts and his vows of poverty and desire for a simple life of help blossomed in an era when the Church was rich and powerful.  The Church could have vanquished Assisi easily but, ultimately, the Church absorbed Francis and his followers.  Francis became Saint Francis of Assisi and the grand Basilica of St. Francis arose. CrossCountry Bob won’t speculate on the real winners and losers in that bit of Church history but it is all certainly part of the heart of Italy.

CrossCountry bob and Paintin’ Peggie enjoyed wandering about the town of Assisi.  It reflects the Middle Ages in its stone buildings and narrow streets and Paintin’ Peggie captured that nicely with her fine eye…

And what happens when one is done with the Heart of Italy?

Sunset over Assisi

Well, for CrossCountry Bob and Paintin’ Peggie, it is a train ride to Puglia on the east coast of Italy, a less visited area where a rented car and stays in smaller villages is an exploration of a different sort. 

Stay tuned for that.

CrossCountry Bob

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